
New campaign on body image launches

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Pharmaceutical company Sinclair has unveiled a new global campaign with creative marketing agency Smyle.

According to the company, the campaign called My Power champions women by encouraging them to ‘Say No To Judgement’ and authentically express their power.

Based on new research into female perceptions of power and judgement, Smyle explains that they developed the campaign to highlight the conflicting rules and messages women receive about their appearance, body and choices every day.

On behalf of Sinclair, Smyle commissioned a survey of more than 10,000 women, demonstrating that 97% believed women face judgement for their appearance, and 61% had faced negative comments or abuse for their choice to have injectable dermal filler.

Following the study, Smyle worked with MaiLi to create the campaign covering social media channels, influencer marketing, digital paid media, events, PR and an updated brand website.

Lee Anne Evans,
global head of brands injectables and threads at Sinclair, said, “Sinclair is a
values-driven organisation, and we’ve found a good partner in Smyle, helping us
think beyond what MaiLi does into what the brand authentically stands for. The
My Power campaign is about a conversation that truly matters to this team and,
we believe, to the world.”

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