Distribution company Wigmore Medical has partnered with training provider Dalvi Humzah Aesthetic Training (DHAT) to incorporate a new curriculum into its current training offering.
Wigmore Medical explains that the curriculum has been developed for medical practitioners entering the aesthetics field for the first time and that the course modules will be completed using a mix of both distanced and on-site learning.
Modules on the new curriculum include: an introduction to aesthetics, an introduction to practice management, an introduction to anatomy, an introduction to light, an introduction to toxins, an introduction to dermal fillers, and management of complications.
Danny Large, training and events consultant for Wigmore Medical, said, “This is a very exciting time for training with Wigmore Medical. With this new partnership with DHAT we feel we can not only improve the training but take on a whole new, modern way of educating delegates as well adding a whole host of new educational opportunities.”