
BACN Updates

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A roundup of the latest news and events from the British Association of Cosmetic Nurses

Education and training update

Board members Mel Recchia and Anna Baker led a two-day awayday with the BACN Education and Training Committee to focus on updating the Competency Framework, due to be drafted April 2020, which will then undergo a peer review and be presented to members later in the year.

The Education and Training Committee has met on a number of occasions and has given priority to two major projects in 2020:

Updating of the BACN Competency Framework

As well as a general update of the competency framework, this will also set out a ‘Career Framework for Aesthetic Nurses’.

The BACN produced its original Competency Framework for aesthetic nurses in 2013 and this was updated in 2015, which was accredited by the RCN.

The framework consists of Core and Specialist Competences:

Core Competences – best practice general competences updated to be relevant for an aesthetic nurse

Specialist Competences – competences related to the treatments undertaken by an aesthetic nurse:

· Injectables

· Fillers

· Skin peels and rejuvenation

· Laser and light-based treatments

The committee is also looking at guidance over new ‘Orphan Treatments’ and the impact of the updated framework on aesthetic nurses who are at different levels of competence. All of this then leads to a discussion about categories of aesthetic nurses, assessment methodologies, qualifications and equivalency.

More information specific to education will be sent out to members later in the year.

BACN Regional meetings

The next round of regional meetings are now available to book onto via the BACN Events page for all members.

The BACN now operate a more structured format for the meetings – the mornings are tailored to welcoming new members and presentations for those members who are relatively inexperienced within aesthetics. At lunch, all members are encouraged to attend to meet and network with each other. After lunch, the sessions are focused on more advanced issues and techniques and the mentoring/case study reviews. Members can attend all sessions. BACN partners will focus presentations according to this categorisation.

This column is written and supported by the BACN

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