
On the Scene: Epionce Symposium with Dr Carl Thornfeldt, London

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On April 3, more than 80 delegates attended a training event hosted by skincare company Epionce and its official UK aesthetic distributor and training provider, Eden Aesthetics.

To begin the day, the founder of the Epionce, Dr Carl Thornfeldt, who had flown from the US specifically for the event, introduced the agenda for the day, discussing the brand’s philosophy for skin health and clinical results. There was also a focus on adult acne, which linked in to the recently-launched Epionce Purifying Acne Duo.

Dr Carl Thornfeldt said that he felt the day was a huge success, “One of the things that I have liked about today is that people seem to be extremely engaged and they had very thoughtful questions at the end.” He added, “Basically, what we are trying to do is to teach aesthetic practitioners two things. Number one is not only how Epionce is different to any other product in the market, but also to help them think differently about what causes the conditions that they see and how to have strategies that work. It was an extremely educational day for all delegates.”

Carly Poore, marketing manager at Eden Aesthetics, added, “Historically we have hosted one event in one location when Dr Carl Thronfeldt visits the UK. This time round, we have hosted events in London, Manchester, Belfast and Dublin. This demonstrates how much the Epionce brand has grown over the years. Delegates are always thrilled and excited to come and listen to the inspirational words from Dr Carl Thornfeldt and learn from his years of experience and wisdom.”

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