
Sinclair launches new lips competition

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Pharmaceutical company Sinclair has launched a competition to highlight the range of applications and outcomes that can be achieved using the MaiLi filler for the lips.

The Power of Lips competition, which is live now, is being judged by a panel headed by independent judge and editor of the Aesthetics journal Shannon Kilgariff, supported by dentist Dr Sheila Nguyen, nurse prescribers Nina Prisk and Jane Wilson and aesthetic practitioner Dr Tijion Esho.

The competition involves uploading your before and after photos of MaiLi Lips case studies on Instagram tagging @maili_uk and using the hashtag #MaiLiLipsFTW to enter as many cases as you wish.

The prizes include an invitation to attend the Sinclair World Experts Meeting in Barcelona for the winner, and a MaiLi in-clinic experience involving a private practice session from a MaiLi trainer, and boxes of MaiLi for second and third prize winners.

The competition closes on September 9 at midnight, with the results announced in September. 

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