The BACN publishes new Code of Conduct

The British Association of Cosmetic Nurses (BACN) has unveiled a new Code of Professional Conduct for its members.

The BACN has produced an extensive review and update of its existing Code of Conduct. The association explains that the new code is to reflect the unique and specialist nature of medical aesthetic practice, as a holistic pathway and process beyond the procedure itself.

The following principles can be considered intrinsic to the Professional Code of Conduct. These include an explicit statement of the goals and key elements of care based on evidence, best practice, patient expectations, the coordination of the care process by utilising the multidisciplinary care team, as well as specialist referral, with patient’s consent. The documentation, monitoring, outcomes and identification of appropriate resources to satisfy patient-centred care and detail steps in a course of treatment, pathway, guideline or protocol were also explained in the code.

BACN chair Sharon Bennett and BACN management committee member Anna Baker commented, “The role of the aesthetic nurse is subject to continual change as new practices emerge in an uncertain regulatory environment. In this context, the BACN decided to update our Code of Conduct to ensure all of our nurses are clear as to the conduct and behaviour we expect as members of the association and as registered nurses with the NMC. The code was written, edited, and peer reviewed by experienced BACN nurse members and is subject to regular review.” 

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