
Visible by Hannah: Demonstrating Your Professional Value

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Photographer Hannah McClune’s monthly tips on how to strengthen your business through branding

A way to compete on quality. And not on your price. Stand out by showing your value.

A popular reason clinic owners come to me is to create a gallery of images that show their brand’s professionalism, which also connects with prospective patients. In turn this leads to a booking with them over alternative clinics.

Imagery’s influence

When patients are searching for their perfect practitioner it can be hard to recognise value. Imagery is a clear way to show value. The pictures you choose to use in your marketing are a way to demonstrate why they should choose you.

Photography has the ability to add this perceived value. But photography can also create the opposite effect.

If you are using bad quality photos you will have a harder time earning loyalty and trust. Imagine your potential patient landing on your website or social media. If there are either no photos, selfies or amateur snaps, your credibility is limited at best. You are sending out key messages:

  • You are not professional, reliable and an expert at what you do.

And even more importantly…

  • You don’t believe you are an expert.
  • You don’t value your business and your services enough to invest.

As you know, in the aesthetics world you need to build trust and share the high quality of your services. Professional photos show both.

This column is written and supported by Hannah McClune, owner of brand photography company Visible by Hannah

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