
New RegenLab PRP course added to Acquisition Aesthetics

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Training provider Acquisition Aesthetics is collaborating with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) company RegenLab on a new course.

The training provider explains that the PRP course will complement non-surgical facial aesthetics training and allow delegates to deliver the highest standard of service in all elements of facial aesthetics, including overall patient experience and treatment results.

Miss Lara Watson, CEO and director of Acquisition Aesthetics, said, “We are delighted to be partnering with the most reputable provider of PRP technology currently available in the UK. RegenLab has a long-standing history of excellence in terms of both patient outcomes and customer care, so we have no doubt that our own customers, both delegates and patients alike, will benefit enormously from this new and exciting collaboration.”

The course will
launch in London on September 16.    

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