
CCR Medical Longevity Summit charity partner announced

Written by... has been unveiled as the charity partner of the Medical Longevity Summit at CCR 2023. is a charity designed to researching and solving problems related to ageing, and exploring medical technologies which can aid in age-related healthcare.

The charity also works to raise awareness of the impact of ageing on the body and disease through responsible journalism, conferences, knowledge hubs, research and more.

Stephanie Dainow, executive director, commented, “It’s fantastic that CCR is launching the Medical Longevity Summit this year and spotlighting longevity biotech and rejuvenation science education and advocacy as a focus area. We’re thrilled to be partnering and helping to bridge a gap between the longevity biotech field and the aesthetics industry, and inspire new synergies in person in October.”

Dainow will be speaking at the Medical Longevity summit at CCR on October 19-20. Click here to register free today.

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