
Teoxane Academy Conference returns

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Aesthetic manufacturer Teoxane will be hosting its Teoxane Academy Conference in July.

According to the company, the sessions will focus on full-face clinical education across assessment, anatomy and technique. The sessions will detail the treatment plan for the patient when treating the tear trough, lower face, mid-face and perioral areas.

Sessions will include cadaver dissections by plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon Dr Patrick Trevidic who will be joining virtually from Paris, as well as live injections from the treatment studio on site, providing a look at how to utilise the Teoxane range of dermal fillers, explains the company.

The company will be joined by its faculty members including aesthetic practitioners Dr Raul Cetto, Dr Lee Walker, Dr Kam Lally, Dr Jeremy Isaac, Dr Chris Rennie and Dr Saleena Zimri as well as ophthalmologist Dr Tahera Bhojani-Lynch.

The conference will take place on July 12 at the Leonardo Royal London Hotel, London.

To secure your place, and for more information,
speak to your local product specialist, or contact TEOXANE UK directly on
[email protected]”    

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