
ICAN Conference Report

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A report from the International College of Aesthetic Nurses (ICAN) digital conference

On February 23 ICAN held its first ever conference on Zoom, designed as an introductory session for nurses that are new to aesthetic medicine. After an introduction from ICAN founder and nurse prescriber Amanda Wilson, the evening was kicked off by aesthetic practitioner Dr Nestor Demosthenous who gave a talk on consultation skills for beginners. Then, sales and marketing manager John Campbell discussed the benefits of the Allergan Spark Programme, and business development manager Hannah Vincent gave an overview of skincare brand PCA Skin. Nurse prescriber Lisa Whiting next gave a talk on starting out in aesthetics, and nurse prescriber Emma Davies discussed how to deal with aesthetic complications. The evening was finished off with a Q&A session from viewers.

On February 24 ICAN held its second session, directed at more advanced nurse practitioners. The first presentation was from aesthetic practitioner Dr John Curran who discussed medical VAT in aesthetics. Dr Demosthenous returned to speak about periorbital rejuvenation and ageing, followed by aesthetic nurse prescriber Patricia Goodwin who shared case studies using dermal filler Ellansé and discussed her techniques for a successful outcome. Davies again closed the conference with a talk on dealing with complications, followed by an opportunity for viewers to ask the speakers any extra questions.

On the event, Wilson commented, “The ICAN team was overwhelmed with the number of attendees over the two days. We welcomed over 200 of our members and had some really great feedback from the nursing community. The talks were focused on academic education for nurses and helping them excel in the field of aesthetics. We are currently working on our next conference and cannot wait to share details with you all soon.” 

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