
Injectable product launches for sensitive skin

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Aesthetic product developer Hyalual, has added a new injectable product to its portfolio; the H&S.

The product is a combination of 0.9% non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid and 1.6% succinic acid and is specifically designed to aid the recovery of sensitive skin and rosacea, whilst hydrating the skin with minimum risk of trauma or edema, the company claims.

According to Hyalual, H&S works particularly well in delicate areas such as the upper lip or under eye area.

Claire Williams, sales and marketing director at Hyalual said, “I am delighted we have a new addition to the Rederm family. H&S allows our practitioners to treat many different types of skin and offer patients with sensitive or reactive skin a treatment that can calm and soothe the skin and improve the texture and the tone. Rosacea is a particularly difficult problem to treat and H&S is specifically designed for those who suffer. Overall it’s a welcome addition.”
H&S is available to purchase direct from Hyalual.

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