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The JCCP reaffirms stance on returning to practice

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The Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP) has released what they call definitive advice for returning to practice for registered healthcare practitioners.

The advice comes following similar statements released by practitioner register Save Face and the British Association of Cosmetic Nurses (BACN), while the British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM) released an exclusive statement via email to its members.

The JCCP said that it has engaged with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), Professional Statutory Regulators and Trading Standards Officials about whether it remains permissible at this time for registered healthcare clinicians to undertake and perform health-related aesthetic procedures from their clinical premises.

Specific clarification was sought regarding the Government’s latest update from Public Health England on returning to practice during phase 3 of lockdown restrictions in England.

The JCCP received official confirmation from the DHSC at 18:00 on July 6 that endorses the Council’s currently published guidance on this matter. This means the JCCP therefore supports its healthcare professional members in their decision to resume practice and reopen to deliver medically-related aesthetic treatments.

The JCCP considers following circumstances would not be considered ‘beauty-related services’:

  • Acting in your capacity as a regulated healthcare professional
  • Place patient safety and public protection as your primary concern
  • Perform an individual patient assessment and associated risk assessment which leads to a clinical determination (arrived at through the application of the practitioner’s clinical judgement) that confirms that the rationale for the provision of the procedure is medically related i.e. having a pre-assessed and intended benefit with regard to the patient’s physical and/or psychological health, rather than being purely cosmetic in nature
  • Undertake the treatment from clinical rather than beauty premises
  • Undertake the procedure in accordance with published JCCP guidance and ensure that appropriate patient safety precautions are in place
  • Ensure that you are insured for the procedure that you intend to perform.


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