
BACN launches new website

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The British Association of Cosmetic Nurses (BACN) has launched a new website that is designed to offer a smoother user experience along with added benefits and more resources for its members to access via the portal.

For example, the association has developed resources with insurance provider Hamilton Fraser such as fact sheets, information videos and news updates, as well as a jobs board and branded marketing content. There is also a new e-portfolio section for members where they can upload any documents relevant to them to use for revalidation purposes. As well as this there is also a practitioner finder that has been updated for the public to use to source reputable nurses within their area.

“Our new website really showcases our professional position in the specialty, and ensures we stay up-to-date with the ever-changing environment our members find themselves in,” said Gareth Lewis, BACN membership and marketing manager. “We have worked with partners to offer more services than ever before, along with upgrading and tailoring our existing benefits,” he adds.

To coincide with the new launch, the BACN has also opened booking for the Autumn Aesthetic Conference 2019 taking place once more at Edgbaston Stadium in Birmingham on November 7-8.

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